Chapter 8 - Morse Code on the Moors

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In single file, a steady stream of walkers was heading from the compound toward the boat.

Merryn grabbed her radio. "Sergeant. Cast off, right now."

"Affirmative Scout 2," came the calm voice of the Sergeant.

"Get the stuff back to base, we'll make our own way back."

"Roger that. Good luck Merryn, see you soon."

"About face everyone, we need to get to the floating platform."

The group changed direction, working their way back up the dock and away from the steady stream of walkers making their way out from the compound. With a roar, the engines of the fishing boat fired up and Dave steered the vessel out into the main river channel.

The moaning picked up a notch as the engine sprang into life, and Andrew ran ahead on soft feet, waving back to them as he reached an iron ladder set into the side of the concrete dock. Tom dashed away from the group and ran over to a pile of junk by an old warehouse, re-joining them with a couple of sturdy-looking wooden poles carried under one arm.

"Good idea Tom," said Merryn. The team filed down the ladder, Tom passed down the poles and they made their way onto the platform. Eddie flicked open a knife from a pocket and Merryn unsheathed her bayonet, each sawing at the ropes holding the platform. Tom and Andrew stood ready with the poles. As the two hawsers fell away from the raft, the first of the walkers appeared at the edge of the dock, several toppling into the water as their fellows continued to push from behind. Two landed on the wooden boarding leading to the platform and Merryn motioned to the two lads to push. There was a twang and a dull thud as Eddie fired a crossbow. The lead walker staggered back into its colleague and fell into the water. More and more deadheads were falling into the deep water next to them and Tom and Andrew pushed with all their strength, widening the gap between their slow-moving pontoon and the dock. There was another dull twang and Hope joined the fray, her first bolt taking a zombie high in the shoulder and spinning it off its feet. Eddie shot another and then the pontoon was clear, more and more water appeared between them and the dock and everyone relaxed.

"Well done folks," said Merryn. "That was a little tight, but we got there."

"Where should we go next Merryn?"

Merryn looked at Tom who was doing his best to steer the heavy platform in the sluggish swell of the river. "Let's get back to the other shore if we can. It's more countryside and lower risk. If we can, we'll get back to the Sea Scout Hut or even your original Scout Hut, then bed down. Then we go cross-country back to base unless you know of another useful sailing boat."

"Okay, you're the boss. Andrew, let's see if we can get over there." Tom pointed to a shingle beach on the opposite side of the river and downstream a few hundred yards.


"Control, this is Scout 2. Do you read me?"

"Good to hear from you Scout 2, Mal here."

"Do you ever sleep Mal?" asked Merryn, a smile in her voice.

"Not when you're out and about my friend, You keep a guy worried you know?"

"Good to have you there Mal. How're things up the coast?"

"The sergeant and his crew got back a couple of hours ago with a surprising amount of gear given how long they had in the end. Captain Summers is looking over the footage you took with the drone. Great idea on flying that to the boat."

"Glad to hear everyone got back ok, it got a little hairy there."

"Where are you and the rest of the scouts?"

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