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"FBI! Drop your weapons."

I was yanked away from Shayne as several camouflaged figures came out of nowhere and surrounded us, a few coming up behind me out from the front door. A handful of choppers were propelling in our direction, their loud swishing noise in sync with the pace of my heart.

Demir held me against his side as he practically dragged me away, my body unwilling to move.

"Olivia, what the fuck is going on?" Shayne bellowed, frantically looking about her and at me, her gun gripped firmly in her hold.

Demir continued to move towards one of the landing choppers, my face turned to Shayne and nothing else.

There're too many of them. I said to myself.

When Demir had told me that this was an ambusha deal he'd made with the FBII'd been all too pleased with the plan. After seeing Shayne blow someone's head off, all I could see was a stone-cold killer and not the person I fell in love with. But when I saw her, and finally felt her touch after such a long time, my resolve broke instantly, and then broke further when she let out those heart-throbbing words.

"I'm in love with you. And I've never been more certain of it."

Heaven knew I'd been wishing to hear those words from her for a long time. After considering her the devil himself only a few moments ago, one would think I would be wise enough not to let her back in, but here I was watching with teary eyes as her, Laura and the rest of her backup quickly got outnumbered.

They refused to rid of their weapons, but they didn't fire, everyone looking to Shayne for the next move. But their only move was to surrender, unless they were willing to lose so many.

"Olivia!" Shayne said again, her eyes clearly on fire.

Her hot gaze was still on me even as I got on the helo with Demir.

But then my heart broke into a million pieces when she gave me a definitive curt nod and looked away, throwing her weapon to the floor and gesturing for everyone else to do the same. They were immediately subdued, Shayne being pushed flat to the ground as her hands got handcuffed behind her. She didn't once look in my direction, and when the doors to the chopper closed, I knew it was it. It was over between us.


The helo had been flying for what felt like countless minutes before we started to descend.

The whole flight, I'd been quiet and nonchalant, the two heavily armed military-uniformed men seated in front of me and Demir watching our every move.

"You okay?" Demir asked, leaning towards me.

I didn't reply, I just continued to look out the window.

When the aircraft finally landed, one of the men opened the door and got out. He reached out his hand to help me, but I ignored it and got off myself, Demir following behind me.


"Is she going to be okay?" I said, suddenly turning towards him. "She might be dangerous, but it doesn't mean I want her dead. So I need to know that I just didn't agree to assassinating the love of my life."

He ran his fingers through his locks. "What you feel for Shayne West isn't"

"I don't need you telling me what I feel and don't feel. It's already bad enough that I've had zero control over the past events of my life, but now I have to give up my liberty to feel too?" I refused to let my tears escape my eyes. "Now tell me the truth. Is Shayne going to be okay or not?"

"I'm going to be honest. It's not up to me to decide what'll happen to her. But I can assure you that this is for the best."

For the best. It sounded like bullshit to me.

A sob wanted to make its way out but I swallowed it up and registered my surrounding for the first time. 

Jesus, it was cold!

We were at an airstrip, its runway currently in use by a large cargo plane touching down. It came to a stop several meters away, its rear to us.

"That plane is going to take you home, where you belong."

I turned to him. "You're not coming with me?"

"No, I have to go away for a while."

Of course. He gets to walk away unharmed and leave this chaos behind.

"You're finally free, Olivia," he said as if reading my thoughts. "I don't think anyone will be trying to get to you now that Shayne West will be behind bars. You're free to live how you want now. I won't apologize for anything."

I wasn't sure how to feel. Two people I loved were locked up in exchange for my safety. It felt like a huge gap was missing from my life.

But I also felt free. The type of freedom I hadn't felt in a long time. For now the best I could do was appreciate the feeling.

"Will I ever see you again?" 

At the end of the day, he was my father. 

"I didn't step into your life just to step out again. You'll be seeing me soon, princess."

He bent and placed a kiss on my forehead, looking at me with warm eyes before turning and getting back into the aircraft.

A new beginning? I thought as the chopper took off.

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