Chapter Thirteen - Her Plan

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"Today's the day!" I squealed, hopping up and down on the spot excitedly.

Connie laughed, "Would you stand still?" She asked as she attempted to curl my hair as I moved around wildly.

"This is too important of a day, Connie. I can't be still!" I responded, reducing my hopping to simply rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Well you're going to have to if you don't want me to burn your hair off," She reasoned.

"I told you not to give her that cup of coffee," Amanda chastised, poking her head out of my closet. She held up a cream coloured sweater and a pair of jeans before placing them on my bed.

"Like that made a difference!" Connie defended, finishing the last curl and taking a can of hair spray to my head.

"So what's your plan for tonight anyway, Mabel?" Amanda asked curiously as she sat on my bed and crossed her legs.

"Step one:" I began going through my plan like a script. I had basically memorized it anyway. "Go to Jackson's game. Step two: attend the celebratory after party. Step three: make him forget our first encounter."

"Well, at least you have a plan," Amanda laughed. 

Connie shushed her, "You'll do great, Mabel. Any guy would be so lucky to have you. Just remember that you're amazingly caring and kind."

"Thank you, Connie," I beamed at her. Connie was so good at making people feel special.

"And this is my little pep speech for you, Mabel," Amanda continued, "Guys suck. You're better off without them. Finish school and get a job that makes you so much money, you'll have guys flocking to you whenever you want them."

"Thanks Amanda," I muttered sarcastically. Why was it that the girls that didn't want the attention got it?

Note to self: in order to gain love from a guy, one must pretend not to want it.

Another note to self: work on acting skills. It's too clear that I want it.

I changed into the outfit quickly before walking back out in front of Connie and Amanda. "Well?"

"I'm just glad you took those overalls off," Amanda admitted. Connie nudged her and Amanda glared at her before turning back to me, "I was going to say that you look great, Mabel."

Connie awwed loudly, "My two girls, all grown up." She wiped a pretend tear from her eye. I mean, I could only hope it wasn't real.

"Did you bring the other outfit with you for the party?" Amanda called as she stood up to touch up her already perfect blonde hair in the mirror.

I nodded, "I got it in my bag, which I'm leaving in your car since you so viciously mocked me for it."

Connie shot Amanda a disapproving look, "I didn't say anything to her about the outfit! I swear! It's just the backpack that I took issue with."

Just then, Nat King Cole's The Very Thought of You blasted through my living room wall.

"Is that your neighbour?" Connie asked as I nodded, "You really can hear everything."

"Yep. That reminds me, I gotta drop off some laundry first."

"Laundry?" Amanda asked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"It's part of our contract. The poor guy couldn't survive without me," I let her know. He really couldn't. I had a theory that he was using the least amount of clothes possible so that I didn't have to wash them. I mean, I really had only done a couple loads since we started our agreement. Not counting the one I had ruined of course.

I pushed the basket on the floor with my hands, my back arched and my butt sticking out. It wasn't a pretty sight. I made my way out of the door, knocking as I got there.

It opened after a moment to Marcus, wearing a pair of shorts and towelling his wet, wavy brown hair. His chest was completely exposed to me and I could see his rippling abs and smooth chest. He had tattoos trailing down his chest and across his shoulders, his biceps moving as he dried his hair. "Maybie," He stated in shock. "You look, um, nice."

"Thanks," I grinned up at him. "You teach and I follow, Oh captain, my captain!" I saluted him.

He grinned, "You're a dork." He rested the towel around his neck and leaned his shoulder against the doorframe.

"I know," I sighed. I really did. "Here's the delivery. As per our contractual agreement. Delivered on time as per our stipulation." I pretended to look both ways suspiciously, "I think you'll find the product satisfactory."

He laughed, "Thanks, Maybie. I needed boxers." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"You're in luck, there's a ton in here. I mean, not that I looked or anything. I obviously looked when I was putting them in the washer but it's not like I was analyzing your clothes. Like I wouldn't be able to tell you any other information about your laundry— I'm going to stop."

The door to my apartment opened and Connie poked her head out, "You ready, Mabel?"

I nodded, "Ready!"

Connie and Amanda walked out of my apartment and past us down the hall. But not before eyeing Marcus down. He waved at them friendlily.

"Wish me luck!" I exclaimed excitedly to Marcus.

"You got this, Mabel. Don't doubt yourself. You've got everything he wants and more," Marcus responded seriously.

I smiled at his words and walked away before turning around abruptly, "Keep your phone on you in case I need an emergency session. I'll bring you all the coffees you want!" I bartered hopefully.

"You know how to twist my arm. I'm here," He replied watching as I swivelled around with a wave and met Connie and Amanda in the lobby.

"I'm sorry," Amanda gushed, "Screw Jackson. Marcus is hot."

"He's pretty easy in the eyes. But I don't forget about soulmates like that. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's still getting over a pretty intense situation with his ex," I explained, leaving out the details to protect Marcus's privacy.

I had spent all of the night before thinking about him having to cope with the loss of his girlfriend. I painted my nails, made lasagna, decorated a breakfast muffin, and cleaned my entire apartment, without getting a wink of sleep. I couldn't imagine what he was going through.

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