Chapter 4~ Ignore

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Not edited- Heyyy, so I'm doing pretty well with the updates everyday. But here is a chapter for today!!

 But here is a chapter for today!!

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Abby Madden

I fucking hate this, the party ended 2 hours ago. I'm still in my dress and the only thing on my mind is him, I hate how he's invaded my mind without even knowing...

Ares took Ivy to their room and they never fucking came back, we all know the shit that's going on in that room. Athena had to go teach some new hires or something and I don't even know where Sebastian went.

But after he walked away he didn't spare me, or the brunette wrapped around his arm a single glance. She kept touching him, had her claws all over him and was fucking smirking at me half the time, don't even know the bitch and she wants to glare.

I'm starving, but I can't eat. It's not that I don't want to cause I do, I really do. But whenever I try to eat I just can't. It's like whenever I swallow the food I feel like throwing up, or I just lose all my hunger when I have all the food in front of me.

It's now been 4 days since I ate, it's 3 in the morning and my eyes are shutting on their own but my hungry stomach won't let me sleep. Why the fuck does it let me drink? Like I drank the whiskey, and water before so why not food?

I grab all my hair before pulling it up into a bun at the top of my head as my curtain bangs fall out slightly before I cover my mouth with the back of my hand when I yawn.

Should I just try to eat?



Did I mention yes?

Deciding I'll change out of this dress when I get back, but my heels were discarded on the floor right as I steped into the room.

I open the door and sigh as the cool air hits me before I start walking out of the room and heading downstairs towards the kitchen.

Tomorrow me and Athena go with Ivy to pick a wedding dress and I couldn't be more fucking excited. She asked me to be her maid of hounor and then Athena and Mason are her brides mates.

God I still can't believe she's getting married...

I walk into the kitchen before flicking on the lights and muffling another one of my yawns with the back of my hand as I pull open the fridge.

I grab a water and look for anything light to eat, I like fruits, let's give em' a shot. I grab a apple and shut the fridge with my hip before washing the apple under the tap.

I look at it as I lean against the counter, before I could take a bite my phone rings and I jump a bit. Quickly I pull it out of my bra, it's convenient.

Smiling a bit when it's one of my model friends, we were together in modeling school. She's one of my only friends left in New York. I slide my finger across the screen and pick up the face time call, I see her face in her pillow as she groans. "You fucking owe me"

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