26. I wish I knew

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I brought the dirty dishes into the kitchen to help grandmom when I almost tripped as Luca ran into me. He giggled on his way again as his sister followed after him into the living room. My cousins always bring trouble with them wherever they go.

"Your children are so active," I chuckled to my aunt as I placed the dishes on the counter. 

"I know," She sighed, and that's when I noticed the dark spots underneath her eyes. I guess sleep is a sacrifice you have to make when you get kids. 

"Hopefully, when they get older, I'm the one that can make them suffer from waking up early," She grinned as she placed the dirty dishes into the washing machine. 

"How are you?" She asked in all seriousness this time.

"I'm fine," I shrugged and she laid her hand on her hip as she tilted her head to glare at me with her deep brown eyes. 

"You have bearly called me the past few months," She complained and raised her eyebrows. 

"I know, things have just been weird the last months," I explained and she snorted. 

"Yeah, you had been to Europe and you have a new guard, which shouldn't be a surprise. However," She cleared her throat and leaned on the kitchen counter. 

"It's a woman this time, which makes me wonder what went through your father's head," She laughed but clearly disgusted with my father. I don't blame them. I hate him and his decisions, but I think this is the first time I might have agreed with him on his choice. I'll never tell him that. He doesn't deserve to know that I like Rylan even though she can be a pain in the ass most of the time. 

"Don't get me wrong, I think he might have done the right thing this time, but still, you shouldn't need someone to watch you all day and night," She huffed, but I kept my mouth shut as we had this conversation every time I see my aunt. It's nothing new, yet we can't do anything about it. 

"Rylan seems," She stopped as she tilted her head.

"Nice and quiet," She chuckled. 

"She is okay," I responded with a slight shrug. 

"So, are you ready for the game this evening," Her smile filled with excitement. 

"Aren't you too old?" I asked and she frowned.

"Thirty-five is not old and I'll never say no to a soccer game," She pointed at me.

"Oh," She lit up.

"You can bring Rylan. She would be a great asset to our team. Maybe we can win this time," It looked like she was ready to jump up and down with happiness.

"I don't know," I said unsurely. 

"I don't know if she even likes football or plays it even,"

"Well, go ask her," My aunt grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the living room where Rylan is staring out the window with her back to us. 

"Come on," My aunt mouthed to me and pushed me forward. I glared at her, but she waved me off. With a sigh as I slowly made my way over to her and she turned as she noticed me. I swallowed as I looked up at the blue curious bright eyes. 

"My aunt wondered if you wanted to join us on our yearly soccer game with a few of the neighbors?" I asked and she narrowed her eyes tightly. 

"You didn't mention a soccer game to me?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I know, I thought it was off, but apparently not," I explained and she nodded thoughtfully as she glanced away. 

"Fine," She sighed and rubbed her forehead. I bite my lip as the guilt welled up in me. I know she is tired and now I might push her to the brim, which is the last thing I wish to do. 

"You don't have to if,"

"It's fine," She interrupted me firmly and I nodded as I'm scared to say another word. 


"Come on, Hadley!" My aunt Ally shouted for me to kick the ball over to her side, but someone knocked me over to the side before I had the opportunity. Chris, the captain of the other team, smirked at me after he kicked the ball to his teammate Jenna.

"You are still too light on your feet," He chuckled and reached out his hand to help me up onto my feet. 

"We can't all be as tall as you," I said and hit his arm with my knuckle. He laughed as he pushed his brown hair out of his face. 

"Besides, I don't really want to be here," I said and he rolled his eyes at me. Yet, I glanced down the field at Rylan, who seemed as out of place as I am. She is not bad, not at all. Her strong figure is a good advantage for her to take the ball away from the others. 

"It's fun," Chris grinned and jogged away for the ball. I took a deep breath and met eyes with Rylan, who has a firm look on her face. A second later, my aunt shouted my name and I turned to see the ball rolling down to my side. I ran for it and brought it with me up the field.

"Crap," I mumbled as Stella came running for me at full speed. I look to my right and left, but no one to pass the ball. But before I could make a move, she tackled me from the side and we both fell onto the ground. Laughing, she got back up and stole the ball from me. I let out an annoyed breath as I stared at the cloudy blue sky until a tall, dark shadow stood above me. 

"Are you okay?" Rylan asked and I nodded as she reached me her hand. I took the warmth into my own and just like that she pulled me up with such great force that I had to place my hand on her arm to keep myself on my feet. 

I couldn't stop my mouth from slightly opening as those blue eyes shine so brightly in the sunlight. They are so clear that it's almost unnatural. In a slow motion, she raised her hand and brought a piece of grass out of my hair. The way she did, it was so simple but so gentle at the same time. 

"Hadley!" My aunt took me out of my trance as Rylan looked the other way. It kind of made my heart sink like a stone. I wanted those eyes on me more than I have ever wanted anything, including my freedom. Rylan gave me a short glance before she went away and disappointment went through me right away.

"What's up with you?" My aunt asked me as she came to my side with a strange look on her face. 

"I wish I knew," I said mostly to myself. 

"What?" She asked, but I shook my head.

The Dark of You (GxG)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن