19. Losing It

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Because I didnt post yesterday cause I had GCSE options to fill in and I had to have a covid test (negative) I had no time to write an episode for either of my storys. So to make up for it, heres a dirty chapter for yall. LOTS OF KINK SO IF THATS NOT YOUR TYPE OF THING, SKIP THIS CHAPTER. if you do decide to read and you dont like it, please dont leave hate comments.

I wake up and realise its Saturday. I smile to myself and hear Josh's heavy breathing next to me. I turn to him and smile. We had been sleeping next to each other for a few days now, switching on who's room. I decide to make him breakfast and get up slowly. I grab his tshirt and put it on to make myself look more decent and go downstairs. I open the fridge and end up making pancakes with bacon on top. Josh comes down while I'm making it and smiles.

J: 'So that's where my shirt went,'
I smile and he wraps his arms around your waist. Suddenly the front door opens and someone comes down the stairs.

D: 'Ooo I see yall!'

Josh immediately moves his arms from around me and looks up at Daisy and Liam.

L: 'Front door was open, swear I've seen that shirt before Blair'

I blush and finish the pancakes and bacon.

Y: 'Oh be quiet Liam, you guys want some bacon and pancakes?'

L: 'Ooooooo yes please!'

Daisy rolls her eyes and smiles.

D: 'I do feed him, I swear'

Me and Josh laugh.

Y: 'Want some Daisy?'

D: 'No thanks, still full from breakfast but this one can eat anything'

J: 'Mmm that guy has the body weight if a hippo'

I plate up the food and put them in the table.

L: 'Thanks!'

J: 'Yeah thanks Blair'

Y: 'Drinks?'

D: 'Coffee please, with cream'

Liam mutters something and Josh smirks in between his mouth full and Daisy blushes.

J: 'Nah bring, I'm good, dont need your cream'

Liam snorts with laughter and I roll my eyes and smile.

L: 'Yeah can I have coffee please, no cream'

That's what sends him and Josh over the edge and they both start snorring with laughter.

D: 'All because I asked for cream on my coffee, and these two immature children cant handle themselves'

Liam and Josh are still giggling.

J: 'Can I have orange juice with no cream?'

They snort with laughter again and Daisy shakes her head at me.

Falling For My RoommateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon