Chapter 3 - Deeds

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Ranisa's POV :

She is back in her chamber deep in her thoughts. She thought about the first time choti bahuranisa has got pregnant and doctor confirmed the news.


My happiness knew no bounds as she heard that I am going to be a grandmother after waiting for 5 years.  I can't wait to see my choti bahuranisa and thank her. So I went to the west wing immediately and entered her room.

"Choti Bahuranisa, Congratulations and Thank you for giving me this good news.  Ranasa will also be very happy", I said cheerfully and choti Bahuranisa gave me a half smile which is definitely not due to tiredness.

"What happened choti bahuranisa?  Are you not happy about this?", I further enquired for which she answered, "it's not like that Ranisa. I am really very happy. I am just tired that's it. "

Even though I know that's not the correct answer, I didn't probe into her much and left the room.  On my way to my chamber, choti bahuranisa's head Dasi Mala appeared infront of me and asked, "Ranisa, can I talk to you for a minute? ". She is the Dasi who is with choti bahuranisa from her childhood and came here when she got married and same is the case with badi bahuranisa's head Dasi kamala.

I nodded to her and she said, "Ranisa, I know the reason why choti bahuranisa is sad. Yuvraj came to wish her and left immediately after that. She wished to spend time with him and talk about the baby. You know how pregnant women will be right."  She ended her talk and I nodded at her and told that I will take care of that.

After she left I directly went to yuvraj's chamber to put some sense into him about how to take care of your pregnant wife but when I entered his wing, a Dasi came running immediately and told me that yuvraj is not in his chamber and is in east wing with badi Bahuranisa.

Though I know it is just one month after his second marriage with choti bahuranisa and he still cannot make himself to love her like he does with badi Bahuranisa, he cannot make a pregnant woman stressed by all these ignorance.  So I directly went to the east wing to put some sense into him.

When I was about to enter their chamber in east wing, I saw that all dasis are outside their chamber giving the couple some privacy. So I signalled them not to inform them and was about to leave when I heard them talking.

"Yuvraj, Once the baby comes we won't even have time to talk as we will all be running around him day and night ", Badi bahuranisa said with little sadness in her voice although she was happy.

"Yes, that's true.  Also I don't need to go to the west wing if the child is a male heir.  I just wish it's a son", yuvraj said desperately.  I thought his thoughts will change once he spend few nights with choti bahuranisa as all men are same who cannot resist a woman's advances especially when she is your wife. But yuvraj doesn't seem to have a change of heart.

"Yuvraj please don't say like that.  Even though I don't like the thought of sharing you with anyone else, she is your wife who has the right to be with you and you cannot snatch that right from her.  we are already in a steady schedule as to 3 days in a week with me and 3 days with her and the another day it's your wish.  So why do you want to change that and rob her rights? ", badi Bahuranisa asked.
"But Anamika, I have told everything to Saudamini before marriage that I don't have any interest in her and I am just marrying for a child. And she accepted it even after all these. So why should I compromise?", Yuvaraj asked.

"Then what about the child Yuvraj, Don't you want to be there at every stage of his life and make him happy by spending time with him? " she asked again for which Yuvraj replied, "we can do that together as well right. whenever we want to spend time with him we will ask Dasi to bring him here and play. "

"Please Yuvraj, I don't want to be the one to separate a mother and son.  That's the most cruel thing to do.  What do you think yuvraj, if we bring him here and spend time, it will be enough? No yuvraj, A child needs both his parents with him to have a happy childhood. Whatever I do I will always be his Badi Masa not Masa ", She finished in a hoarse voice.

"Anamika, please don't cry. OK we will continue as we are doing with the schedule. Ok", Yuvraj said and tried to cheer her up.

Before they talk any more, I made my presence known by clearing my throat and made it seem like I had just come. "Yuvraj, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with choti bahuranisa on hearing the news that you are going to be a father for the first time? ", I asked him though without thinking I let my words hurt badi bahuranisa.

"Ranisa I have already congratulated her and asked her to take rest", He replied.

"you are her husband Yuvraj, not a third person to just congratulate her. Atleast you can take care of your child if not your wife. And I think you must spend more time with her as you both have been married just a month ago and she shouldn't be having stress during pregnancy. So I have decided that you will spend 5 days a week with choti bahuranisa till the pregnancy ends and the 2 days with badi bahuranisa as you both know each other very well for the past 5 years",She said and added,"No more discussions on this " seeing Yuvraj's protest.

Yuvraj left from there in anger and frustration. Then I turned to badi Bahuranisa who is standing with tears and said, "Badi bahuranisa, I know you are hurt with this arrangement but they both didn't even get to spend good time together to get to know each other. Yuvraj was always immersed in work during the day and only go at nights. So as the elder one you have to make adjustments so as not to stress her during pregnancy and the child is healthy "

"Yes Ranisa I understand. Don't worry I will make sure this doesn't happen again ", She said through tears. Nodding my head at her, I returned to my chamber.

Flashback over

I never knew on that day that in the near future the situation would be reverse.


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