Chapter 14-hallways

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Tw, unconsentual sleep drugging

The movie you had been watching with axel and kian had ended at this point, you were just cuddling with them now, of course you had been asleep, but it was cuddling all the same.

"So, when is she gonna meet the rest?" Kian whispered to axel, gently caressing your hair as small breaths came out of your mouth. You hadn't met all of them and it was about time you did, if you at least knew their names it would make this entire thing so much easier.

"I think tomorrow? They're bringing in the little brat soon, we need to let her get used to it so she won't try and run again." He spoke back, the two boys got well together especially good, they were alike in more ways than one. Both were pretty introverted, and were much less straightforward than the rest of the fleurs, if let them be pretty good friends.

Both looked down at you with affectionate stares as you cuddled closer to kians chest. In actuality, they despised the idea of b/n being there, buuuttt it was the only thing keeping you here, you relied on them for this. It made the two happy.

"Ugh, shes gonna be touching him, makes me want to throw up." Kian hissed, picturing a grimy little toddler touching you, he didn't have the right to do that, only the fleurs can!  You were too pure to be touched by such a dirty thing.

"Don't remind me, it's late, im gonna take her to bed." Axel said,  sitting up from the comfortable position he was in, and scorching closer to you. A blank stare was emoted from kian as axel picked your body up, easily, taking you from kians grasp. Surprisingly not waking you in the process as he picked you up and hooked his arms under your knees.

(I think it's called "bridal style" but I'm not sure)

He opened the door and looked back at kian, with a glance that pretty much said "bye", and walked out into the hallway. Passing through many of the identical looking hallways, he was about halfway through to your room, until someone "accidentally" found them.

"Axel, honey, she's sleeping in your father and I's room tonight, we really don't want another nightmare,  Cmon hand her over" your mother Evangeline spoke to her son, eyeing your blanket-covered figure in his arms.

"But I was, never mind-" axel started, before getting a small glare from his lovely mother and caving in. He wanted to be the one to tuck you in tonight, aww man.

"Goodnight darling." She spoke, before waking away, eventually getting to her room she shared with her husband. Arriving at another set of large double doors, she pushed one open with one hand, though. in the process the movement woke you up. You were startled seeing you were in a completely different place then where you were, you also had been in a set of strangers arms.

You screamed, not remembering anything from the past few hours. How did you get to sleep? who was holding you?  Why were you in a different place? Questions went in and out through your brain, until you saw it was the women from the other day. The one who had claimed to be your real mother. You just ended up struggling enough to the point where she had to put you down.

"Honey it's fine, I was trying to get you to bed, calm down." She attempted to soothe, pressing her hand on your shoulder, but failing when you smacked it away and started backing away, an alarmed look plastered on your face.

"W-wait get away from me-" you spoke in a quivering voice, a wave of anxiety took over your body the second you woke up. For some odd reason you felt extremely terrified of everything at the moment.

"Baby please calm down, I'm not going to hurt you" she cooed, stepping a foot closer, not before you launched yourself down the hallway, turning round the corner in a panic.

You barely got far though; as you bumped into someone, and felt a small painful prick on your neck. Immediately getting whoozy, and feeling feint as if you were about to collapse.  Arms circled your waste as you fell back, and all you saw before your eyes forced themselves closed was your "father", holding a needle, and holding his arms out as if waiting for a hug.

————————with others———————

Many watched as your mothers unconscious body was dragged down into the basement, and b/n was placed in a room, meant for a toddler to stay in, wasn't as lavish as yours but it was definintly nicer than your old house.

"Who gets to go first?" Slade asked the multiple family members in the room, pointing at the screen where your "biological mother" layed, looking lifeless.

"Why don't we wait for her to wake up, then we can beat her like she did y/n." Your uncle spoke up, you could practically see the bloody scene playing out in his head.  Many nodded their heads at that, liking the idea of getting the same treatment that she gave you.

"Or we let her stay down there and rot for a little while, that would be appealing" ace stated, wondering how you would feel if you knew what they were doing at the moment. They knew this wasn't wierd, or creepy

Because it's all too help you.

"As much as I like both of these ideas, that isn't important right now and it can wait. What is important though is that we need to make sure that there is absolutely no possible way for little y/n to leave, once she gets b/n I can almost guarantee she's going to run for the hills" you grandfather spoke up, interrupting his family's speaking, a few tensed up in the room at the mention of you escaping. You couldn't leave them! Never.

"We just need to get her comfortable enough with us that she'll be easily manipulated, she'll start believing her place here and forget about the brat." Your other uncle Zane coiced, making small hand gestures that payed no meaning to the sentence.

"Well, let's all gather to meet her tomorrow, she'll be happier now that she has b/n, then step 1 starts"

I kinda hate this chapter, but I enjoyed writing it. Cuddling scenes make me feel happy inside.

Did you guys like this chapter? I felt if wa skin of a filler and I didn't like it so much.

Any who, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'll edit tommorow.

Have a lovely day today, byyyee!


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