Chapter 29

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Sorry for a late update! I hope you guys had a marvellous Christmas! ;)

Stefan pov

It's already been three says since Jess is ignoring me. No matter how hard I'm trying to get closer to her to explain everything, she keeps finding ways to shut me out. This time, she's really holding it against me and frankly I don't really blame her. I should have told her everything the moment I was back.

But I was afraid of her reaction because I know she's already aware about my early reputation with women. She was right. I should not have assumed anything without telling her what really happened between Cara and I.

I'm really hoping she forgives me. We couldn't even talk about us because of this misunderstanding. I was really hoping everything would be fine between us. I had made so many plans so that we could spend quality time together. I really wanted us to get to know each other really well. But with everything going wrong this time, I really don't know how to mend things between us.

Maybe I should try again. Yes I will try again and again. I can't let her just slip away from my hands. Maybe if I keep trying, she might forgive me and give me another chance. I really want her by my side. I really want her to stay. She did not even eat those cookies and cupcakes which I bought from her favorite bakery. I know it's quite serious when none of them has been touched by her.

I decide to surprise her at her university. I'll pick her up after her class. And then when we'll return back, I'm going to take her out for dinner and tell her about everything about what really happened. I'm really hoping she listen to me this time but either way, I'll keep trying.

I buy some roses for Jess and park my car just outside her university. Checking my watch, I see there's still ten more minutes for her class to be over. Better early than late.

I tape my fingers on the steering wheel while I wait for her. I really hope she does not get angry with me again. I just want to talk with her. These three days have been like hell. I could neither eat nor sleep properly. Everytime we would see each other, she would either leave the room itself or turned her back on me. Her behaviour always creates an uneasy feeling in my chest.

I watch as students start walking around and wait for her. Her class is already over. I see her walking while reading something. My heart flutters at her sight.

"What did you do to me Jess?", I murmur and lean my head against the seat. I was never like this until I met you.

Grabbing the bouquet of roses with a smile, I'm about to get down when I see a man stops her. Jess gives him a bright smile. Unknowingly, I curl my hand into a tight fist.

Why is she smiling at him like that? Am I feeling jealous? Of course I am!

The man gives her a bunch of roses and she smiles again. Why the hell is she even giving him those smiles?! She only smiles like this for me!

And why is he giving her roses? Is he her boyfriend or something?

I watch as they converse with Jess smiling every now and then. What are they even talking about? Suddenly Jess stops smiling and from her body language I could tell she's feeling uncomfortable. She starts saying something while looking around and gives the guy another smile. But this time she looks nervous.

I should see what's wrong. Maybe the guy is harrassing her. I open the door to get down but stop when they hug suddenly.

Jess nods enthusiatically at whatever the guy says. I close the door and curl my hand tightly around the steering wheel.

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